I don't know if I have mentioned this or not, but I LOVE the sun! Every sunny day when my mom comes home, I do m

y obligatory greetings. Once that's all over, I race to the back door and ring my handy bell to let my mom know I "have" to go outside. I prance out there pretending like I am going to pee and then find the nice big patch of sun and lie down as fast as I can. If my mom then tries to get me to come back inside, I pretend like I am asleep or I just don't hear her. Hee, hee. Yesterday was a pretty sad day for me. My mom had made some cookies with peanut butter in them, so when she and my dad left for work, I searched all over the counter for them and in the trash just to check and make sure they tasted okay. Well, they must have hid those cookies pretty well, and all I found was an empty coffee beans bag in the trash and some yucky spicy cashews on the counter. I worked really hard at getting that bag of cashews open. It took lots of tearing away of plastic, and once I finally got to the nuts, I had a couple tastes and they were so spicy and bad that I figured it wasn't worth it to finish thos

e off. Then just out of spite I didn't clean up after myself. My mom was pretty upset with me when she came home and saw the mess I had left for her. It took her LONG time to let me go lay outside in the sun...and to top it all off, she found those cookies and ate 2 of them right in front of me!! Well, today is a much better day. I didn't make my mom mad at me and have now spent almost a full hour and a half outside tanning myself. I'm so happy!!!
Hi Cassie,
My sister Quinta needs a bell. I am going to look into that.
Also, you look really pretty laying in the grass with the pretty yellow flowers. I love hanging out in the sunshine too. We have only had a small ammount of sunshine lately. It has been raining and raining and raining.
Sorry about the cookies.
Hey Cassie,
Am so glad its finally sunshine in Germany! How is your friend (you know, that other doggie who was living with you when I visited?)
Hope you're loving the not-so-new-anymore house, and the neighbours are kind to you:)
Hope you're Mom and Dad are well also!
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