Also, I had a super exciting day last week. My dad came home from work loaded down with packages. One package had some boring bracelet thing for my mom, but the other 2 were great! In one package, there were some more boring things for my parents, but there was a big bag of treats for me! My grandparents are really nice to me. They are the ones who sent me those treats. They always try to send me treats or a new toy to play with. The other box had a brand new red collar for me, a new frisbee for me, and a new rawhide bone, just like the ones mom and dad used to get for me at Costco. All of those were from PetSmart. They must really like me too. I have no idea how they knew I needed a new frisbee.
Anyways, I have been proudly wearing my pretty new collar all week, and I carry my new bone everywhere. I really don't like to let it out of my sight.
I hear that my other grandparents are coming to visit me tomorrow. I think I will try and show them how to play with my new frisbee. I showed my Uncle Ed last weekend and he caught on really well. I think I will have a fun week.